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Research and Educational Center

As the State Scientific Center FSUE «VNIIFTRI» carries out educational activities. One of the subdivisions of the institute is a Research and Educational Center, which includes the departments of Research Degree, Higher Doctorate and Professional Training.

Research Degree

Research degree at FSUE VNIIFTRI is the main form of training the institute’s scientific personnel.

Post-graduate students and applicants participate in scientific seminars, conferences, are provided with the necessary literature from the research and technical holding of the Institute. Entrance exams are taken by qualified teachers of the leading technical universities of the country and specialists from departments and laboratories of FSUE «VNIIFTRI».

Most of the graduates of the FSUE «VNIIFTRI» continue to work at the institute.

Currently, the research degree of FSUE «VNIIFTRI» trains specialists in the following areas:

Code of training program Name of training program Specialty of research worker, code  
Photonics, instrument manufacture, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies Acoustic instruments and systems  05.11.06

Instruments and methods for measuring ionizing radiation and X-ray devices

    Devices and methods for monitoring the natural environment, substances, materials and products
27.06.01  Management in engineering systems  Metrology and metrological support  05.11.15 

Higher Doctorate

Higher Doctorate at FSUE «VNIIFTRI» is a form of training highly qualified scientific personnel, as a host scientific organization, in which preparation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences takes place.

An employee carrying out pedagogical and (or) scientific (research) activities may be sent to higher doctorate on the basis of a personal application.

Vocational Training

FSUE «VNIIFTRI» implements programs of supplementary vocational education (SVE): professional development and occupational retraining.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.2013 No. 499 «On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for supplementary vocational programs» (clause 12), the minimum period for mastering the programs is determined:

professional development — not less 16 hours;

occupational retraining — from 250 hours.

Admission to higher doctorate is carried out on a competitive basis.

FSUE «VNIIFTRI» publishes an announcement for admission to higher doctorate in scientific professions in accordance with the nomenclature on the official website of the institute.

Upon completion of training, a Diploma of Occupational Retraining is issued.


Deputy Head of Research and Educational Center
Poyarkov Sergey Yurevich
+7 (495) 523-63-27

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