VNIIFTRI at the opening of the International Metrology Forum and Exhibition "Metrology without Borders"

Moscow Region, May 15, 2023 – The Russian Metrological Institute of Technical Physics and Radio Engineering (VNIIFTRI) of Rosstandart takes part in the International Metrology Forum and Exhibition "Metrology without Borders" dedicated to World Metrology Day. The Institute's specialists will present their advanced developments at the exhibition and take part in the business program of the Forum.
"VNIIFTRI as one of the scientific metrological institutes in Russia regularly participates in major industry events, where it presents its achievements and the results of the work of specialists. Metrology Without Borders is the most important metrological event in Russia and an excellent opportunity to discuss current industry problems, talk about existing difficulties and tasks and together with colleagues find ways to solve them," noted Sergey Donchenko, General Director of the FSUE VNIIFTRI.
The cutting-edge developments of the Institute in the field of radio engineering measurements and time and frequency measurements are presented at the exhibition stands of VNIIFTRI. In particular feed-through wattmeter, wattmeters of absorbing power, a through-feed wattmeter, a time interval meter, a rubidium Ch1-92 time and frequency standard, a disciplined time and frequency standard, a subminiature quantum frequency standard, a block converter of dry and wet gas "North" and other devices.
As part of the Business Program of the Forum VNIIFTRI scientists will present reports in the sections "Ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the field of atomic energy use", "Import substitution in instrumentation", "Prospects for the development of production of Russian radio measuring equipment", "Safe roads. Traffic flow control. Weight and dimensional control". Specialists will also take part in the III Russian Conference of participants of the State Service of Reference Materials of the Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials of the Russian Federation.
The Metrology Without Borders Forum and exhibition is the main platform for demonstrating achievements and capabilities of the Russian instrument makers and manufacturers of measuring instruments, discussing key issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and exchanging experience between industry representatives, manufacturers of measuring equipment and metrologists.
The work of the Forum and exhibition will last from May 15 to 17, 2023 in Moscow at the World Trade Center.
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