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VNIIFTRI improved the standard for measurement of information transmitted over the Internet

25 January 2023

MOSCOW REGION, January 25, 2023 – Scientists at the Russian metrological institute of technical physics and radio engineering (VNIIFTRI) of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) have improved the State primary standard for the units of measurement of the volume of information transmitted over the Internet and telephony channels, GET 200‑2012. The improved standard will provide transmission of units for such quantities as data packet delay, packet delay variation, and channel capacity to transmit data to working standards of the parameters of public communications networks (the information and telecommunications network Internet, telephony, communications networks for distribution of television and radio programs). These capabilities will allow increasing the integrity control and ensuring the stable operation of such networks.

“VNIIFTRI is a scientific metrological institute of Rosstandart, which carries out work aimed at maintaining, operating and improving Russia’s most important standards. GET 200‑2012 is one of the most important standards ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the processes of digitalization of the country’s economy. The need for its modernization is due to increased requirements for the quality of communication channels and telecommunication. As a result of the improvement, the list of the measurement units of data communication network parameters reproduced by the standard has been expanded, and the values required for its metrological and technical characteristics have been obtained”, said Alexei Aprelev, head of research department of acousto-optical measurements and laser optoelectronics of VNIIFTRI.

“GET 200-2012 is a top echelon in the state verification schedule for such measuring instruments as systems measuring the amount of information, switches and routers with recording the amount of information system, as well as devices with measuring functions that count so-called service traffic (packet headers, repeated requests). In addition, the improved standard will ensure the uniformity of measurements when controlling the integrity and stability of public communications networks”, noted Vladimir Shorin, scientist-custodian of GET 200‑2012.

At the moment, the improved standard has passed state tests, measures have been taken to approve it with the submission of documents to the STC of Rosstandart.

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